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Software Licensing

Software delivered via box, license or the Cloud Services Portfolio

Software licensing options

When it comes to choosing software, BT Business Direct offers a complete range of options. Our fully qualified software licensing specialists are on hand to offer expert advice, free of charge.

1. Buy software in a box

For single purchases, check out our website for a huge range of boxed Operating System (OS) and software applications from all the world's leading vendors.

Small business owner using boxed software

Traditionally, if you wanted to buy a software license, you'd buy it in a box and install it via a disc. Although there are now more options for software licensing, there's still room in the market for a boxed license - though these days boxed software is often "media-less" and downloaded via the internet using an activation key. Boxed software is typically a good option if you’re running a small business with just a few users, or if you need to buy a license for a user with specific needs, like programmes used for finance.

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2. Buy software via a license

For organisations with as few as five users, consider software licensing to leverage a host of business benefits.

SME business discussing licensing options

You might choose to buy a license by talking to our specialist licensing team. They’re available Monday-Friday, 9am – 5pm, and can offer impartial advice on the software licensing options that best suit your business. They can help you navigate the huge range of software licenses we have available from the world’s leading vendors. We can also help with licenses for security, graphic design and finance. Licenses purchased through our specialist team typically cover you for 12 months. You’ll know exactly what you’re paying and it’ll be a single upfront cost, so it’s easy to manage.

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3. Buy software via the cloud through Cloud Services Portfolio (CSP)

Consider the Cloud Services Portfolio (CSP) for minimal upfront investment and no long term commitment.

Corporate team discussing cloud software options

CSP is a new way to pay for software as you use it, and as your business needs dictate. You can easily scale up or down, and the consumption model means you pay per month, per head, per license. CSP is flexible and intuitive because everything is procured and managed through the cloud. Moving to CSP enables you to shift the cost of your software licensing from CAPEX to OPEX with monthly payments.

Currently, we have a full range of Microsoft licenses available to purchase via CSP. If you have a specific licensing requirement that’s not covered, please do talk to us and we would be happy to discuss your needs in further detail.

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