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Read on if you'd like to know...

In Brief...

  • As a security measure we apply to your credit/debit card issuer for a debit of 1p when you place an order and it's ready to be despatched.
  • Once this is authorised, we can carry out other further security checks and authorise your order.
  • The 1p is never actually debited from the card.

Further information
This is a security measure, taken to protect us both and to ensure that your card is not being used fraudulently. Once an order is placed on our website, we need to authorise it so that we can be certain that it's a genuine order placed by you, the actual credit/debit card holder.

This may seem a complicated way of conducting security checks but it's a process carried out by most internet and mail order retailers. It does not affect your credit/debit card balance, or the speed at which your order is dispatched.

If you'd like to know more about our security policy and the safety of shopping on our website, please click here.


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