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When you're submitting details to dabs.com over the Internet, security is handled as follows:

Firstly, when your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) connects with the secure side of our server (website computer) that connection is between you and the server alone.

Secondly, during the communications between your browser and our server, the information is scrambled. This is known as encryption and our encryption is 128bit. 128bit encryption uses billions (2 to power of 128) of possible combinations to scramble the information. Thirdly, any information we store internally so we can process your order, is kept on a computer system that operates independently of the web server and doesn't use an operating system that is prone to viruses, hacking etc.

In summary, as stated in our Privacy Policy, we've taken the appropriate measures to ensure that your personal information is not unlawfully processed. dabs.com uses industry standard practices to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal identifiable information, including "firewalls" and Secure Socket Layers.

dabs.com treats data as an asset that must be protected against loss and unauthorised access. However, no information transferred over the Internet or wireless network can be guaranteed to be completely secure.


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