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Verbatim DVD-R 16x 50pack Printable
4.0 11
Verbatim DVD-R 16x 50pack Printable
Totally Reliable Discs - Deserve a Better Rating
By Jolyon Antrobus.
Posted 18/12/2007

It always amazes me when I see these discs have less than a 5-star rating on Dabs. I suppose it's because when something works perfectly you're unlikely to bother writing a review, but if you have problems you feel driven to warn others. I have used pack after pack of these over several years, and I can't remember a failure of any kind - for me Verbatim stands for reliability. And given the price Dabs put them out at, it's an easy decision.

  • Overall 5*
  • Ease of use 5*
  • Value for money 5*
By Mike Hooley.
Posted 03/01/2009

I am amazed at the last two reviews! Our Community Club http://www.outwoodcommunityvideo.co.uk/HOME.html Have been using this media since 2004, we have sold thousands of our films on dvd, I may be tempting fate?, but up to now we have never had one returned. I burn the dvds on a Mac at 6x speed for compatibility reasons. A great product. The only down side is that I did not realise Dabs sold them, I will be purchasing from them in the future. Mike

  • Overall 5*
  • Ease of use 5*
  • Value for money 5*
By .
Posted 17/07/2008


  • Overall 5*
  • Ease of use 5*
  • Value for money 5*
By Anonymous
Posted 29/02/2008

Have used 3 spindles of 50 and had 100% success - using pioneer and TDK drives. They also read perfectly in my very unforgiving SONY DVD player.

I have written disks at max speed using both Roxio and DVD Decrypter - no problems.

Print fine in Epson R800 and R1800 pigment ink printers.

  • Overall 5*
  • Ease of use 5*
  • Value for money 5*
By Anonymous
Posted 08/06/2007

I have now burned my way through over 200 discs and not a single one has failed to write.
They are equally good for printing as they are for ndelible pen, and the discs I burned 18 months ago are still perfectly readable.
(By contrast, I used to use "Datawrite" discs which are not printable, cost more, and 1 out of every 10 failed.)

  • Overall 5*
  • Ease of use 5*
  • Value for money 5*
Very satisfied
By M Viracca.
Posted 06/06/2006

I have used two 50 disc spindles and every disc has burned perfectly, am about to order my third. I suppose there will always be faulty batches or some incompatibility between burners and media but I have been lucky. If it helps anyone, I am using the DVD burner supplied with my Dell Dimension 5150 and the supplied MyDVD software by Sonic (now owned by Roxio). Good feature is the print area is larger than a regular DVD so looks a lot better/more professional. Surface is not glossy like a photo though, more like a satin finish, very good though. I use Canon CD-LabelPrint for this. Hope this review is useful to you.

  • Overall 5*
  • Ease of use 5*
  • Value for money 5*
It don't get much better !
By Dean Carney.
Posted 25/11/2005

Looked at several options for the money and decided on these.

They make perfect reliable copies and print quality is excellent.

Only buy these if you want truly hassle free burning and reliability.

Can't recommend enough

  • Overall 5*
  • Ease of use 5*
  • Value for money 5*
It don't get much better !
By Dean Carney.
Posted 25/11/2005

Looked at several options for the money and decided on these. They make perfect reliable copies and print quality is excellent. Only buy these if you want truly hassle free burning and reliability. Can't recommend enough

  • Overall 5*
  • Ease of use 5*
  • Value for money 5*
Totally useless!!!
By Roy.
Posted 10/10/2008

The very worst DVDs I have ever used. I tried to copy a home made DVD which I have done many times before with no trouble, yet using these discs only ONE copied perfectlyout of 25, the others were so badly corrupted they were scrap.
I then used Infiniti discs on the same setting and every one was perfect. I have e-mailed the firm but they have ignored me.

  • Overall 1*
  • Ease of use 4*
  • Value for money 1*
Waste of money and time
By ioannis.
Posted 16/03/2006

I bought these recently. I have copied successfully on 4 of them, copying failed on 3 of them. Really poor quality. I have used Ritek in the past and not one failed.

  • Overall 1*
  • Ease of use 5*
  • Value for money 1*
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