The excellent sound quality surpasses anything you might have experienced before in the way of a headset - which is why you will feel that GN 2100 brings you closer to the person you are talking to.
GN 2100 gives you the feeling of being able to talk "face to face" on the phone, and you will both discover a whole new sense of actually being there - no matter whether you go for the standard microphone or noise-canceling versions.
Thanks to the wide range of mix and match accessories you now have the possibility of putting together your own, entirely personalized GN 2100 headset.
Choose between different sizes of earplates. Or the four different color clip-on, which brings a whole new personal dimension to usability, which is handy when organizing people into individual teams in call centers or sales divisions, for example.
The outstanding and attractive design gives you an entirely unique experience in the way of personal comfort. Take, for example, the 3-in-1 design that lets you switch, anytime, to the wearing style that gives you the greatest possible comfort.
GN 2100 - the superior headset that puts your personality first!
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