APC award-winning Smart-UPS is the most popular UPS in the world for servers, storage and networks.
Trusted to protect critical data and equipment from power problems by supplying clean and reliable network-grade power. In addition to legendary reliability and manageability, Smart-UPS have extremely high efficiency at low, medium and high load levels making them ideal for today's multi-core or virtualized servers that have varying load consumption.
Available in a variety of form factors (tower, rack mount, rack/tower convertible) there is a model for every application and budget. Smart-UPS models have long been considered the benchmark for all network and server UPS's. Smart-UPS feature a 16-segment LED display, extended range automatic voltage regulation (AVR), and pure sine wave output on battery. Additional manageability options are available through the Smart-Slot interface, which is an internal slot for the installation of optional accessory cards.
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