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Unified communications (UC) can mean different things to different people, but it’s not a single product.
It’s a complete solution.
It’s the integration of communications to optimise business processes and the ability to manage those communications across multiple devices and applications.
The way we work is changing. New technologies have enabled greater mobility and are shaping the business landscape. Mobile and flexible working is increasing because of dispersed business locations, the need for convenience for your people, and increasing environmental pressures to reduce the need for transport and travel.
Embracing the change and implementing a strong UC strategy will offer multiple benefits to your organisation. By allowing your people to connect, communicate and collaborate in a more natural way, you’ll enable:
•Quicker decision making
•Improved engagement and productivity in your workforce
•Reduced travel costs
•Increased availability and agility

To order your headset and speakerphone please look below at the latest in tech.

Jabra Evolve2 40 MS Headset


Jabra Speak 750 MS Speaker phone

Jabra Speak 710 MS USB/BT & Link370


Jabra Speak 510 MS + Link 370

Sennheiser SP 20 ML Speakerphone Hands-Free

Wherever you are on your journey towards UC utopia, let our dedicated team help you make the right choice for your UC hardware and solutions. We can help with volume roll-out and refresh programmes (including hygiene refresh) without overlooking simple fulfilment of your day-to-day requirements. We bond and hold stock, distribute multi-site, buy back old headsets, handle returns/swap outs and even provide next day delivery on most lines.




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