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Read on if you'd like to know....

In Brief...

  • In the unlikely event that a product develops a fault, you can use our on line returns system to process the request for a return.
  • Whilst using the returns system, you might get one of the following messages:
    "Refund not available for this product" or "Replacement not available for this product"
  • If you get one of these messages it's because our system has determined that it's not possible for the reasons below.

Further information...

Messages you might get:

"Refund not available for this product":
If we aren't able to offer a refund for the specific product you've chosen to return, it's because our returns system recognises that the maximum period during which you are entitled to a refund has expired. For more details, please read our Returns Policy.

"Replacement not available for this product":
If we aren't able to offer a replacement for the specific product you've chosen to return, it's because the item you originally purchased is no longer available and has been discontinued by the manufacturer. In this case we suggest you request a refund, and then place a fresh order for a similar replacement product.


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