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Read on if you'd like to know...

In brief...

  • We regularly have great value "bundle" deals on our website, offering a special discount on the combined price of 2 or more items when bought together as a "bundle".
  • Depending on the nature of the deal, dabs.com sometimes has to impose a limit to the number of any one bundle that a customer can buy in a single transaction.
  • If you do try to buy more than the limit, you'll get a message: "Sorry, maximum bundle quantity exceeded".

Further information...
This safeguard is to help ensure that as many customers as possible are given the opportunity to purchase our bundle deals, and to prevent a few customers from 'hogging' the deals for themselves!
If you'd really like to purchase multiples of the same bundle offer, then unfortunately you will need to place 2 or more orders. We appreciate this may cause some frustration and of course, apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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