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In Brief...

  • The vast majority of our business is carried out online over the internet. Our web site is therefore the most up to date source of pricing as it's updated several times a day.
  • When we produce a peice of printed marketing, we always include a clearly visible date during which the price will be exactly reflected on our website (or be cheaper) PROVIDED you use the advertised URL.
  • If you do not come to our website via the advertised URL, or you come after the stated date, you may find that prices are slightly more expensive than those advertised due to occasional upward fluctuations in price.

Further information

Whilst we do try hard to ensure that there's consistency between printed advertising and our website, due to the unpredictable nature of the IT and computer industry, prices do fluctuate. Provided you use the URL we advertise in print AND you visit before the stated 'offer ends' period, you will see that prices are the same or cheaper than those advertised.


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