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dabs.com for low, competitive prices checked every day

Here at Dabs, we're committed to bringing you the widest possible choice of quality computing and electronics products at rock bottom prices. We're constantly checking our prices against our key competitors to ensure that we offer the most competitive in the UK… so you don’t have to.

dabs.com for speedy delivery and same day despatch

If your chosen product is in stock and payment for your order is approved, then provided you pass our security checks*, you choose the 'next day delivery' option and place your order before 6.00pm, we’ll despatch your goods the very same day**. You’ll be presented with all available delivery options for your order at the checkout. 

*We perform a security check on every order to honour our committment to provide safe and secure internet shopping for you, our customers. **Weekdays only.

dabs.com for safe and secure online shopping

There’s no need to be concerned about card fraud when you shop at dabs.com. Our website uses the very latest encryption technologies to ‘scramble’ your card details beyond recognition so they’re useless if intercepted during transfer to us. We actively promote our involvement in schemes such as Internet Shopping is Safe (ISIS) and have been at the forefront of developing safer online payment schemes in the UK by being first to adopt ‘3D Secure’ (‘ Verified by Visa ’ and MasterCard’s ‘SecureCode’). Our 100% Security Guarantee means if you’re defrauded in any way whilst shopping with dabs.com, we promise to resolve the issue so you don’t lose a penny.

dabs.com for award winning 24/7 online service & support

The multi-award winning dabs.com website allows us to offer a fully online, fast and efficient 24/7 self-service shopping experience with state-of-the-art tools to help you every step of the way - from our product search facility, to placing and tracking your order, right through to our online returns facility.

24/7 Instant Online Assistance
Our help section is packed with step-by-step answers to the most commonly asked customer questions. The section is fully keyword searchable allowing you to find a resolve to your query in just a few seconds.

Offline Queries
In the unlikely event that the relevant article within our help section doesn’t address your specific issue, you can contact our Customer Services team via emailing enquiries@dabs.com or by calling us on 0870 429 3825 or 01204 851825 between the hours of 9am and 5pm.

Due to the huge range of products and brands that we stock we are unable to offer direct product advice or advise on compatibility of any individual product with others. However, as you would expect from an online retailer, you’ll find a wealth of information on our website including comprehensive product specifications, customer reviews, product comparison charts and in some cases, video demonstrations. dabs.com is much like a self-service supermarket – we provide all the information and you decide whether the purchase is right for you.

24/7 Returns Authorisation
In addition to self-service shopping, we also offer 24/7 self-service arrangement of returns. Provided you complete all of the information requested by our online returns system, you’ll be issued with a Returns Number and instructions straight away… no need to contact us.

Online dispute resolution



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