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If your order status is showing as 'completed', then it's too late to make any amendments at this stage.

If nobody will be available to accept delivery at the address you originally submitted, then our couriers will leave a card to say they attempted delivery. The card will include details of how to rearrange, or indeed when they intend to attempt delivery again.

The courier will hold the goods at your local depot for up to 4 days before returning them back to our National Logistics Centre. We'll automatically arrange a credit against your original payment method when we get the goods back (though your carriage charge won't be refunded).

Some customers have asked why we can't just call the courier and ask them to redirect the order.  To help protect against fraud, unfortunately this isn't possible. We're only able to deliver to the address which was authorised as part of the security checking process.

If your order is still outstanding and therefore has not yet been dispatched , then you can change your delivery address by editing it via the 'my account' section of the website. Click here for help on amending your delivery address.


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