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Read on if you'd like to know ....

In brief ...

  • We like to keep our customers informed about special offers and special pricing, so from time to time we send out various communications by post or email.
  • When you first became a customer and logged onto our website, we asked you about "Marketing Communication" preferences. We asked you then if you'd like to receive special offers, so anything you receive is in line with your preferences.

Further information
There are several ways you can stop subscribing to these special offers. The best way is to log on to your account - to do this click the "My Dabs" tab near the top left of our home page. Once you are logged on, click "Edit communication preferences" under "Other Options" at the bottom of the page.

You will see your current preferences listed and can change what you like. Don't forget to click the "SAVE CHANGES" button when you have made the changes!!

Other ways to Un-Subscribe

At the bottom of every marketing email we send there's a link which you can click to un subscribe. Our lists are prepared several days in advance, so the change may take a while to come into effect.

We also post our catalogues regularly to existing and prospective customers. If you've received a catalogue and want to be removed form the list, please check the wrapping and obtain the 11 character reference printed on it, and follow the steps below:


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