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Desktops & Monitors

Computers and IT equipment are at the heart of almost every business these days and BT Business Direct can help you to get ahead of the competition by providing the very best technology including desktop PCs, monitors and accessories at the best prices. 

Our range of business computing products will help you and your staff to enjoy sharper graphics, faster devices and the most effective desktop solutions to complement or upgrade your existing setup. From professional 4K monitors to desktop PC deals you'll find the latest and greatest tech in our online store.

We've got a wide range of desktop PCs including the most innovative and stylish all in one desktop PCs from the likes of Apple featuring the incredible iMac with Retina 5K display; plus a whole host of barebone PCs and traditional desktops from the world's leading brands including Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung and many more. If that's not enough we can also provide you with the most powerful, stylish monitors and accessories to maximise your workspace while helping you to save space - and money - at the same time.

You and your business can benefit from increased productivity by having a multi-functional system in place capable of handling a wide range of applications and tasks to help you stay ahead of modern demands. Talk to the experts at BT Business Direct about our latest deals on desktop PCs and monitors today.

ErgoMounts Stream Dual Desk Mount For Screens up to 24&quot ErgoMounts Stream Dual Desk Mount For Screens up...
£135.71 ex VAT
ErgoMounts Desk Mount For 23" Screens - Silver ErgoMounts Desk Mount For 23" Screens - Silver
£279.95 ex VAT
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